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Walter Rockenstein


Walter Rockenstein


Meets as necessary

Permanent Judicial Commission

The Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC) is the constitutionally-mandated body by which the Presbytery exercises discipline within the context of pastoral care, as a dispensation of mercy.  This is accomplished by the PJC after a due process trial or hearing of complaints against the Presbytery or allegations of an offense against a minister member of the Presbytery.


PJC members are elected for six-year terms.  The Commission selects its own moderator and clerk.  There are at least seven members of the PJC, comprised of Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders in as nearly equal numbers as possible, with each PJC member representing a different PTCA congregation.


The PJC conducts its business using the powers and procedures prescribed by the Book of Order, and specifically the Book of Discipline.

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