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Disability Concerns Ministry

The goal of the Disability Concerns Ministry: to promote inclusion of people who live with disabilities in the life of congregations and in the Presbytery.

All Christians are valuable members of the Body of Christ and deserve access to the worship, fellowship, and leadership opportunities in the church. When barriers of any kind exist and make it impossible for persons with disabilities to participate fully in the life of the church, we are not being faithful to our calling or to the mission of the church.

It is not enough to enable people with disabilities to enter the buildings. The Body of Christ is not whole when we are not able to embrace the gifts of all members. Like all Christians, persons with disabilities have been given gifts to use in the service of God. In addition, persons with disabilities may have gifts of patience, creativity, and perseverance they have learned by living with disabilities.


The Disability Concerns Ministry team offers resources, curriculum, information, and conversations with you, so that your church might learn ways to incorporate and include ALL people to fully participate in your congregation.


We are eager to share information on: Annual NAMI Walks / Sunday School guidance / Disability Inclusion Sunday / Dementia & Alzheimer’s support/ Parents’ support for children with special needs / Autism / Mental Health needs / Moral Wounded Veterans / The Presbytery’s Policy on Disability / The Donald Milloy Biennial Award, and more. 


*For further information on the Disability Concerns Ministry, please contact Rev. Dix Brachlow at or the presbytery office at

Co-Chairs: Rev. Dix Brachlow,, Rev. Don Patterson



Do You Know Someone of Remarkable Witness for Persons with Disabilities?  

In recognition of outstanding service as advocates for and with people who live with disabilities, The Donald S. Milloy Disability Advocacy Award is presented biennially to a member(s) of a congregation or a teaching elder in this presbytery.   Rev. Don Milloy was a co-moderator of the Disability Concerns Ministry of our Presbytery.  He wrote widely for the PC(USA) Presbyterians for Disability Concerns resources; through his courage, commitment and wisdom, he showed that all persons who live with disabilities have valuable gifts to share with the church and the community.  The award will be presented at a fall PTCA meeting. Click on the link for the nomination form.


Don S. Milloy Disability Advocacy Nomination Form

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