Rev. Christopher Chatelaine-Samsen
6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Fourth Monday of each month
Commission on Ministry
According to the Book of Order, G-3.0307, the Presbytery is charged with developing and maintaining ways for the Presbytery to serve as pastor and counselor to its minister members, commissioned ruling elders and certified Christian educators; with facilitating the relations between the Presbytery and its congregations and minister members; and with settling difficulties on behalf of the Presbytery when possible and expedient. These are the main responsibilities of the Commission on Ministry.
When a congregation is without a pastor, COM supports and assists congregations in the pastoral search process. Members of Pastor Nominating Committees may find these PNC Resources helpful.
COM performs certain functions for the Presbytery, reporting its actions to the Presbytery, including:
Examines candidates for ministry to determine readiness for ordination and appoints administrative commissions to ordain them as teaching elders
Appoints administrative commissions to install teaching elders who have received a properly approved call
Adjusts difficulties in a particular congregation
Appoints a moderator of a session where the congregation is without a pastor
Receives into presbytery membership a teaching elder who is a member in good standing of another presbytery, and dismisses a teaching elder member in good standing to another presbytery
Approves the call of a congregation to a teaching elder to be its pastor or associate pastor
Approves the contract between a congregation/session and a teaching elder to serve as transitional pastor, designated pastor, stated supply pastor or temporary pastor
Establishes minimum terms of compensation for pastors
Validates ministries for teaching elders in specialized service
Commission on Ministry Resources and Forms:
Policy on Membership Status and Validated Ministries
Application to Validate a Ministry
Re-Validation of Ministry Form
2025 Terms of Call (.docx)
Part-Time Position Description (Sample)
Transitional Pastor Position Description (Sample)
Description of Transitional Ministry Tasks
Ordination/Installation Checklist
Minimum pastoral compensation effective 1/1/2024 increases 4% from 2023:
Metro: $59,440
Non-metro: $53,112
Supply minimums (plus mileage):
Pulpit Supply: $200/one service, $300/two services
Moderating Session: $100
Other Items
2024 Family Medical Leave Policy
Background Checks